Review of They Become Stars

"Stars, Stardust, Black Holes" by Karren Alenier in The Dresser



Interview with Chris Rice Cooper in Backstory of the Poem, January 2022

"For us to truly understand the Shoah, so that mass murder on such a large scale never happens again, we must understand the level of collaboration between regular citizens and the Nazis...Additionally, we must be willing, as individuals, to stand up for our neighbors that are different than we are when they are mistreated." Read the interview here


Interview with Deborah Kahan Kolb in The Poetry Cafe, June 2021

"...out of over 10,000 known school children from the Łódź Ghetto, there were only 27 known survivors. Miriam is a ghost. Shayna is a ghost. The children dancing on the cover of my chapbook are ghosts." Read the interview here


Contributor Interview, The Inflectionist Review, October 2020

"I never want to tell a reader how to feel. However, I want to describe an event or a victim’s experience in such detail that a reader cannot help but feel empathy towards a victim." Read the interview here


Interview with Paul Brookes in The Wombwell Rainbow, September 2020

"My greatest hope is that readers of They Become Stars will be inspired to read more history books and articles that explore the Holocaust and other important events that have influenced how humans currently interact with each other politically, socially, and globally." Read the interview here


Interview with Chris Rice Cooper in Backstory of the Poem, March 2020

"There are many connections that readers can make between my poem, 'Vel' d'Hiv Roundup of 7,000 Jews Detained in an Arena' from They Become Stars, and recent events from the US or many other parts of the world. This event (the Vel' d'Hiv roundup during World War II) shows how easily local police, politicians, and citizens can be convinced that innocent men, women, and children deserve to die simply because they are refugees, foreigners, and different. However, we are all humans." Read the interview here



The September 24, 2022 episode of Lit Balm featured writers of the Hudson Valley Writers Center. A reading with Dorianne Laux, Leila Chatti, Liz Marlow, Nick Makoha, and Andrea Deeken:

Reading of "Elegy for the Orphans in Minsk" for Moon City Review as part of their 2020 reading series:

Slapering Hol Press presents a reading with Julie Danho, Liz Marlow, Rebecca Doverspike:

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