Liz Marlow's debut chapbook, They Become Stars, was the winner of the 2019 Slapering Hol Press Chapbook Competition. Additionally, her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Best Small Fictions, the minnesota review, Permafrost, Tikkun, Valparaiso Poetry Review, and elsewhere. Slapering Hol Press nominated her poem, "Chaim Rumkowski on Hunger, 1938" for a Pushcart Prize. Additionally, Jet Fuel Review nominated her poem, "Rivka Survives" for the Pushcart Prize anthology and Best Small Fictions. The Inflectionist Review nominated her poem, "Sara Learns of Franz Stangl's Death," for a Pushcart Prize. Vestal Review nominated her flash fiction story, "The Infanticide of Puah," for inclusion in Best Microfiction. The Night Heron Barks nominated her poem, "Sara Spins Her Dreidel the Night Before Her Father, Avraham, Leaves to Find Work" for Best of the Net and "Sara Visits Avraham's Tailor Shop" for a Pushcart Prize. The MacGuffin nominated her poem, "Franz Stangl Orders the Construction of a 'Zoo' for Trapped Foxes and Two Peacocks," for inclusion in Best New Poets. She earned her MFA from Western Michigan University and MBA from the University of Memphis. She is the editor of Minyan Magazine and a member of the Slapering Hol Press advisory committee.